Sunbirds in our garden

Over the last few days, a pair of sunbirds have been building a nest in our hedge.

Male sunbird having a sip from the flower Lyndsey planted.
Male sunbird having a sip from the flower Lyndsey planted.
Male sunbird on our weed
Male sunbird on our weed

3 thoughts on “Sunbirds in our garden

  1. Pretty birds. Interesting that the chipping sound they make sounds just like a wren. Close your eyes and you could be back in the UK!

    1. Hi!
      Sorry it took so long to ‘approve’ your comment – didn’t see it in the list.
      Talking of wrens we saw a bird (looked like a young one) that we can’t identify, but had a wren-like look about it. I’ll upload it for the next blog post.

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